A Wealthy Mind fuels a wealthy life

Want to escape financial stress and overwhelm? In just four weeks, you could have clarity and confidence that’ll change your whole outlook on money. It's time to take back financial control and set you on a path to financial freedom! 

Step Confidently into a Future of Financial Peace & Power

enroll now 



In just 4 weeks you can  break free from the struggles of a scarcity mindset and uneasiness around money by learning strategies to let go of your finanical past, rewrite your money story, redfine what wealth means to you and take control of your financial future

It's time to shift your focus from the mere numbers in your bank account; it runs much deeper than that...

It's about cultivating a an unshakable money mindset. 

Through countless stories and experiences, I've learned with absolute certainty that your mindset and perspective on money holds significant power and is a fundamental cornerstone of financial success.

You deserve to thrive financially, free from the weight of negative thoughts around money holding you back. It's time to quiet the noise, rewrite your money story, and step into a new chapter -  one filled with abundance, gratitude, and the confidence to shape your financial future on your own terms. 

It's time to shift your focus from the mere numbers in your bank account; it runs much deeper than that...

It's about cultivating a an unshakable money mindset. 

Through countless stories and experiences, I've learned with absolute certainty that your mindset and perspective on money holds significant power and is a fundamental cornerstone of financial success.

You deserve to thrive financially, free from the weight of negative thoughts around money holding you back. It's time to quiet the noise, rewrite your money story, and step into a new chapter -  one filled with abundance, gratitude, and the confidence to shape your financial future on your own terms. 

is it wrong to want more wealth and money?

Why do i feel guilty about spending money on myself, even when it's reasonable? 

can i trust myself with money, or will i always make poor financial decisions?

ever found yourself thinking...

will i ever be able to break free from this cycle of debt?

how do i stop comparing myself to others' financial success?

what's the point of making financial goals when i never seem to achieve them?


i'm not good with numbers & money

your thoughts around money are years in the making

From your childhood to adulthood, past memories and experiences with money have shaped your relationship with money without you even realizing it.

For every negative thought or limiting belief, there's a story to unfold and habits to break so you can make the financial progress and see the financial success you want! 

miss out on opportunities & experiences

By not addressing your money mindset, you risk missing out on countless opportunities that could lead to financial success or further your own happiness. Whether it's investments, career opportunities, or entrepreneurial ventures, your fear and doubt could hold you back from realizing your full potential and living fully.

continue to be burdened with financial stress

If you choose to continue down the same path, you might find yourself stuck in a perpetual cycle of financial stress and scarcity. Your fears and doubts about money could grow even more paralyzing, affecting not only your finances but also your overall quality of life.

feel alone in your financial journey

Isolating yourself from financial conversations due to shame or fear can lead to loneliness and a lack of support that you truly need. It's essential to have a community that understands your struggles and can provide guidance and encouragement. 


If you allow yourself to continue to have a negative relationship with money, those dreams you've been putting on hold...may remain on hold...and could become distant fantasies. Travel, homeownership, financial security, and the freedom to pursue your passions may become unachievable with the passing of time.

so, What might happen if
you don't take action to
shift your money mindset?

but there's a better way

Without money blocks in your life, you’ll feel financially empowered, financially curious and financially confident in the path you're on. You'll more easily embrace the idea that money is a tool to live out a life you love that has the power to change your quality of life and the lives of the people you love. 

Take this opportunity to learn how to break through the negative, limiting beliefs around money holding you back so you can use money as a tool to further your purpose, your passions, your impact and your voice.

a wealthy mind fuels a wealthy life

Helping women like YOU break free from the struggles of a scarcity mindset and uneasiness around money by learning strategies to let go of your financial past, rewrite your money story, redefine what wealth means to you and take control of your financial future.

Financial transformation begins with your mindset. 

i need this!

The money mindset flex



imagine if...

You no longer felt the weight of financial stress impacting your health and relationships. 

You no longer felt guilty about spending money on yourself.

You could finally silence that inner critic that tells you that you're not "good with money."

You woke up every morning with a sense of financial confidence and clarity

You could effortlessly handle unexpected financial emergencies without breaking a sweat.

sounds like what
 i need

you could say "yes" to opportunities without second guessing yourself

You could break free from the cycle of borrowing and living on credit.

No matter your income level, one truth remains:

you can't simply out-earn a negative relationship with money and a scarcity mindset.

if a scarcity mindset lingers, it can...and will... limit your financial growth and success.

Join Now!

The Money Mindset Flex

Financial success isn't just about numbers and strategies; it's profoundly connected to your mindset.

No matter the level of wealth, one common thread I've consistently seen throughout my career is that a scarcity mindset can hold anyone back.

It's a psychological barrier that ignores income brackets, affecting individuals across the financial wealth spectrum.

This scarcity mindset can manifest as fear of spending, hesitancy to invest, or a constant sense of not having enough, even despite the reality of having more than enough.

Breaking free from a scarcity mindset is a pivotal step in achieving financial success and fulfillment. It's about rewiring how we perceive and relate to money, regardless of whether we're trying to make ends meet or striving for generational wealth.

This is exactly why this Money Mindset Course is so transformative; it's designed to help individuals at any wealth level overcome these limiting beliefs and embrace a mindset of abundance and financial empowerment.

I'm ready to join! 

get all of this for just $147

What you'll find inside the course...

+ Plus

5 power packed Modules of recorded video lessons


Dive into these pre-recorded video lessons on your own time and at your own pace. These thought provoking lessons will save you so much time of your own research and trial-and-error as you absorb expert insights designed to swiftly shift your money mindset, paving a new path for your financial journey.

the money mindset FLEX WORKBOOK 

This isn't just a workbook; it's your shortcut to clarity and growth. By engaging with targeted exercises and reflection prompts, you save precious time by gaining immediate insights into your limiting beliefs - where they are coming from and how to shift them. The workbook fast tracks your journey to abundance by providing actionable steps for quick reflection & implementation into your every day life. 

expert insights & strategies to shift your relationship with money 

Benefit from expert advice that cuts through the noise! By tapping into the insights & strategies from a professional financial advisor who's worked with hundreds of clients across the wealth spectrum, you'll learn simple and effective money mindset strategies to help you confidently start making the changes you need to shift your financial habits. 

DREAM BIGGER goal setting templates

It's time to start dreaming bigger.  These templates encourage you to think beyond what was or what is and focus on what could be by creating goals that inspire and excite you! Engaging with these templates nurtures a mindset of abundance, encouraging you to dream bigger and push beyond your self-imposed boundaries holding you back. 


Through daily use, these affirmations rewire your subconscious mind, replacing limiting beliefs with positive, empowering thoughts related to wealth and abundance! 

With this Daily Affirmation Guide, you'll elevate your daily money mindset, instilling positivity, and setting the tone for financial success and peace and helping you confidently step into your financial power. 

Here, you'll gain insights into the root causes of your limiting beliefs and negative financial habits. By facing these issues head-on and releasing the emotional baggage holding you back, you'll free yourself to create a new, empowered relationship with money.

This module is where true transformation begins, as you'll break free from the chains of your past and pave the way for a brighter financial future filled with abundance and success.

Reflect on your financial past & release the limiting beliefs holding you back. 

reflect & release

Module 1: 

Course Curriculum:

Truly discover the incredible impact your inner voice has on your financial reality and circumstances. It's wild how our self-talk affects every financial choice and belief we have and has a profound impact on our financial lives. With relatable examples and practical exercises, this module will help you recognize those immediate negative thoughts and behaviors you have around money and be given the tools and strategies to challenge them head on. 

Rewire Your Money Mindset: Transforming Self-Talk and Thought Patterns


Module 2: 

In this module, we're taking a fresh look at what wealth really means to you. It's not just about the dollars and cents but exploring what truly brings richness to your every day. You'll dive into your values, relationships, health, and passions to redefine what wealth really looks like for you. By shaking off (Taylor Swift style) the traditional view, we're embracing a more personal and fulfilling perspective that goes way beyond money. It's about finding that deeper sense of contentment, joy and abundance in every aspect of your life. 

Reinvent Your Definition
of Wealth


Module 3: 

Rewriting your story means taking control of your narrative, especially when it comes to your relationship with money. It's about acknowledging that your past financial experiences, beliefs, and habits don't define your future. You have the power to reimagine and reshape your financial story, regardless of your past circumstances.

Whether you're in your 20s, 40s, or beyond, every moment presents an opportunity to rewrite your financial narrative and pave the way for a brighter and more empowered financial future.

Rewrite Your Money Story


Module 4: 

This is where the real magic happens after transforming your money mindset. It's about embracing the positive momentum and taking actionable steps to keep the financial positivity rolling.

Embrace learning—keep educating yourself on personal finance, investments, and wealth-building strategies. Surround yourself with a supportive community, seek mentorship, and stay accountable. Most importantly, celebrate your progress and acknowledge the small wins along the way. It's about maintaining the momentum and continuously nurturing your newfound financial mindset for long-term success.

Rise To The Challenge


Module 5: 

One Payment 

Pay in Full 

Full payment of $147

Payment Plan 

monthly payments

4 payments of $47

best savings!

You've got options...

more flexible!

"Money mindset was my biggest concern and the feeling of overwhelm by doing it all. Victoria helped me shift my mindset from one of fear and overwhelm to forward momentum pushing past the scared."

"The knowledge you have gained from your experience in the industry were invaluable in helping with mindset work . I left feeling a sense of forward progress and knowing that our next conversation will be one of celebrations!"

- megan b.

What they say....

with over 14 years of experience working closely with hundreds of clients...

A more empowered relationship with money

I've witnessed firsthand the intricacies of various money mindsets and wealth challenges.

No matter the level of wealth, one common thread I've consistently observed is that a scarcity mindset can hold anyone back.

Because of that, I made it a priority to create this transformative course designed to help women at any level of wealth overcome these limiting beliefs holding them back and embrace a mindset of abundance and financial empowerment! 

This      for you if:

you're eager to shift your money mindset, overcome fears & unlock your full financial potential

You're looking for a quick fix or overnight financial success without putting in the necessary work

you're tired of your negative thoughts & behaviors around money and are ready to commit to change

You're not open to challenging your existing beliefs or making changes to your financial habits

you're ready to break free from the cycle of financial stress, comparison and overwhelm.

It's probably        for you if...

You believe that financial success is solely determined by external factors and not influenced by your mindset



after joining the program you will gain...

A strong foundation of positive money habits

an abundant money mindset focused on possibility, not lack

improved financial communication that will strengthen relationships

reduced financial stress

more self-worth awareness & confidence

increased financial clarity and control

a new sense of financial empowerment

i want these results!

- shawna m.

"Before we spoke, I had never received professional advice from a female financial expert. You were the first professional who made me feel 100% comfortable, proud of my achievements and an equal."



or reignite your

your foundation



It's never too late


Try The Money Mindset Flex for 7 days. Get your money back if it doesn't align with what you're looking for. 

money back 


I'm busy right now, I’m worried I won’t have time! Do I need to follow week by week or can I go at my own pace?

This course is entirely go-at-your-own-pace! I want you to take your time, to implement as you learn, to listen and re-listen as many times as you need! Everyone’s journey through The Money Mindset Flex will look a little different and that's exactly how it should be. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will I have access to the content? Will the course expire? 

When you join now, you have lifetime access to the course material for the life of the course! I am constantly making changes, adding to it, and recording new content so once you’re in, you’re in for everything that’s available now and anything that's new in the future! 

How do I know if I'm a good fit for this course? 

This course is designed for women who want to improve their relationship with money and use money as a tool to further their purpose, passions and impact in their lives - regardless of how much money you have.  If you're needing a step-by-step path from scarcity to abundance, fear of money to complete clarity and confidence - the Money Mindset Flex is for you!

One Payment 

Pay in Full 

Full payment of $147

Payment Plan 

monthly payments

4 payments of $47

best savings!

You've got options...

more flexible!

Join NOW to learn how much better life is when you're in financial control & can embrace financial peace!

Victoria is a wealth of knowledge and information. The Flex Your Finances course is set up to help anyone get their financial life organized and build their own knowledge, skills and confidence in saving, planning, and investing for their financial future. Also, Victoria never makes you feel like any question is a dumb question. Without a doubt I would recommend this course to anyone looking to learn more about how to better financially prepare for their future! 

"My only wish is that we did this 10 years ago to get ourselves organized and set up for success sooner."


This could be you....

"I've a much better understanding of my plan and my whys!
I gained a much better understanding of my 1.) investment options, how to diversify etc., and what I need to reach my retirement goals, and 2.) I have a better understanding of my whole financial picture and knowing what I can spend my money and how to reach my short, medium and long term goals....

"I will be able to enjoy life more as I know what I can spend without feeling guilty and still staying on course to hit all of my goals. It has been freeing!"

- Neve redmond -

Victoria is the whole financial package! She is kind, open, transparent, a great listener, genuine, empathetic, driven, and insanely smart!! She goes above and beyond for her clients and it always felt like she had unlimited time for me, even thought I knew she didn't. She is patient, listens intently and is non judgmental. She offers different perspectives and alternatives for consideration instead of just pointing you in one direction...

"I have never felt better about where I'm going in my life, and I never would have felt this way if it wasn't for her. I'm truly grateful."

- jess fluharty -