
by Victoria 

Financial educator & strategist with a passion for empowering women & couples on their wealth building journey and a knack for piecing together financial puzzles. 

hey, I'm victoria

The extent of my desire to be financially educated and prioritize my earning potential at a young age would provide me with the freedom, the opportunities and the choices that have presented themselves throughout my life.

I had no idea at the time... 

As a youngster, I was exposed to a lot of financial mistakes being made in real time and also from generations before me. 

I learned first about the power money has by way of its negative impact, long before I learned of its potential positive impacts. 

Money can play a profoundly negative role in family dynamics, relationships, health and stress levels, self-identity & respect...and from a very young age I was absolutely determined to make sure that I would always be in charge of my money and never let money get in the way of living out the life that I wanted for myself. 

My financial journey really began the moment I realized living my best life was my responsibility. 

I spent my 20's working hard and playing hard. Hours studying, hours working, hours dedicated to becoming an expert in my chosen career path of helping clients manage every piece of their money journey.  

I managed millions of dollars, worked with some of the wealthiest families in the country managing every aspect of their financial lives...

I started to look around at my favorite clients, my boss then and in years past, and I saw entrepreneurs, hustlers, problem solvers...they built something from the ground up.

They controlled their time (kind of), they loved their work, they made their own decisions, they failed, they climbed...and then built something incredible that helped so many. It looked like a wild ride that I HAD to experience myself. 

I realized the reason something was missing from 12 years of my corporate career was because I wanted to be an entrepreneur. 

i had the dream of the corner office overlooking the streets of nyc until i had a view from the top and thought, maybe this isn't what i really want...

I was loving my job, my clients and was on track to have a wildly successful career at the #1 wealth management team in the country....but there was something missing.

The hardest, most fulfilling job with the most demanding bosses to date

Boy Mom...

While money alone is not the sole determinant of happiness and well-being, it can provide opportunities, freedom and access to resources that enhance your quality of life. Those are just the facts. 

Which is why I am on a mission to help you gain the knowledge and the skills you need to take control of your financial future and build the financial life you need to support the life you want. 

And now i want to help you do the same. 

Building a life that better aligns with who I am, how I want to spend my time and who I want to help.

A life where I could be home more with my boys and build a business that helps thousands of people become financially confident & at peace.

Making smart financial choices and prioritizing my and my husbands' financial wellness for years in the making was how this option was possible.  

That's the power behind what money can do...provide you the freedom to take risks and to live out your life exactly as you wish. 

That was the exact moment it all changed for me. When I started living life by my own design...

Because when we better our finances...we better our lives. 

not about

ignoring your money,
the word "should",
playing small or suffering in silence


lifelong friendships,
adventuring, movement, 
dreaming big & helping others do the same

all about


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Creating a plan for your money is the best way to set yourself up for success

When you’re ready to get started, I’m here to guide you every step of the way—let’s build a plan that works for you and gets you excited about what’s ahead. 

Personalized Financial Planning