
by Victoria 

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With 15+ years of working with countless clients, I'm on a mission to empower women and millennial's to take control of their finances, build wealth confidence, and achieve financial independence. 

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3 Questions to Take Control of Your Finances

March 14, 2025

Take control of your financial future with these 3 key questions to optimize, plan, and feel empowered on your wealth journey.

For me, to take control of your finances isn’t just about numbers. It’s about creating a life you want to live the heck out of. And that starts with a very important mindset shift — seeing money management not as a burden, but as a tool and source of opportunity.

Being mindful of your finances empowers you to take stock of where you are and where you want to go, and equip yourself with the knowledge, strategies, and support you need to get busy living your best life

The secret sauce to making money moves now so that Future You can thrive? Getting clear on the answers to these three key questions and then putting a plan in place to manage your money, grow your money, and protect your money, all with your most audacious financial goals — and wildest dreams — in mind.

Ask Yourself These Questions to Take Control of Your Finances

1. Am I Optimizing Every Dollar?

The first step to financial wellness is getting clear on where you are currently in your financial life. In other words, show me — and yourself — what you’re working with! It can be tempting to future-trip at this point in the process. To start, focus on optimizing every dollar you currently have, and every dollar you have the potential to earn, today.

Gain Financial Clarity:

  • Is the cash in your savings account earning as much as it can?
  • Do you have too much in your savings account? Are you better off investing that additional cash into other income-producing assets or paying off debt?
  • Are you aware of how you can reduce your taxes?
  • Are your expenses aligned with your values and those things that bring you joy?
  • Are you paying the lowest interest on your current debt? Should you refinance?
  • Is your salary commensurate to your experience and the value you add?

2. What Money Moves Add Up to The Financial Future I Envision for Myself?

As the saying goes, “Wherever you go, there you are.” And YOU are the only person who gets to decide where “there” is. Don’t leave your future happiness up to chance. Do the work now to get clarity on your desired destination. (PS: Send me a postcard once you get there — I can’t wait to hear all about the full and beautiful life you’ve built for yourself and your loved ones.)

Turn Your Financial Goals into Achievable Realities:

  • What do you need to save for the downpayment on that dream home you’ve been eyeing? 
  • You want to fund a portion of your children’s 529 plan by the time they are 17. What do you need to start investing today to make it happen? 
  • How much money do you want to be invested before you plan to retire? 
  • All day you dream about Lake Tahoe. What will it take over the next 10 years to make a vacation home a tangible reality? 
  • Your shoulders and back ache from the weight of all that debt. What actions do you need to take today to be debt-free in five years?

3. Do I Feel Empowered by My Financial Life?

Money may not be able to “buy happiness” but it absolutely has the power and potential to meaningfully improve your quality of life. Those are just the facts. So, it’s essential to dig into your current feelings about money and consider what mindset shifts are necessary to promote self-confidence in both where you are and where you want to go. To really take control of your finances, it begins in your head before your wallet.

Cultivate a Profound Sense of Financial Well-Being:

  • Do you feel overwhelmed or in charge? Do you feel anxious or at peace? 
  • Does your life feel like one big hamster wheel? Instead of going through the motions, how can you best utilize all your available resources? 
  • Is money the root of all joy, or all evil?
  • Do you feel inspired by what your money can do or defeated by what you feel your money can’t do?
  • Psst: How do you feel about your financial life, REALLY?

Feel Good About Where You Are and Excited About Where You’re Headed

The key to successful money management is to ask yourself these three questions at regular intervals throughout your financial journey. The answers will change, depending on your season of life, but the questions will remain the same. By applying this intentional and thoughtful strategy, you’ll piece together the financial puzzle of the life you want — and deserve — to live using money as a tool to get you there. 

Being on a sound financial path is paramount to a peaceful life. And I want to teach you how to get there! Learn more about how I can help you take control of your finances, stress less about money and focus more on what it can do to create the life you love. I’m already cheering you on every step of the way.

written by: victoria mcgruder, cpa, cpwa®

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hey there, i want to introduce myself!

Thank you for being here - I'm Victoria!

I'm a financial advocate, coach, and blogger on a mission to help you build wealth with confidence! 

Having worked closely with countless clients over my 15+ year career, I've gained a very deep understanding of money management and effective planning strategies in guiding individuals and families towards financial success. Now, I want to share that wealth of knowledge and insight to empower YOU to take control of their finances, make well-informed decisions, and create a life of abundance without the stress of finances looming over you. I'm so glad you're here! 

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I'm on a mission to empower you with the knowledge, strategies, and support you need to improve your financial life and take charge of your financial future. Let me show you how much better life is when you're in financial control....

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by Victoria